New Hope Baptist Church joined the Tuskegee Baptist Association.
The church changed its name from New Hope Baptist Church to Ladonia Baptist Church. There was a post office located in Evan’s Store. The post office and community were called Ladonia. The Old Evan’s Store was located across Highway 80 from the current 13th Street Bar-B-Que on the corner of Woodland Drive and Highway 80.
Sunday School consisted of an adult class, a young people’s class, and a children’s class. All met in the auditorium. Babies were on quilts in the adult class. Sunday School was every week with preaching only one Sunday each month.
The seating arrangement in the church worship service was short benches in the center. Babies were on quilts near their mothers. Men were on one side, women on the other, and children and youth in the center. The building was heated with a pot-bellied stove. Cooling was open windows and hand fans. Kerosene lamps with reflectors were used for lighting.
The property was valued at $500.00
The first piano was purchased.
The church adopted a constitution and bylaws.
The church got electricity.
Rev. Charles Brewer was pastor from 1932 through 1937
The church called Rev. T. J. Floyd as its first full time pastor. He was pastor for 2 years. Under his leadership, the church membership grew to 157. N. H. Hancock was ordained to the ministry
R. E. Martin donated six acres of land and a house adjoining the church property. The house was first used as a pastorium and later was used as a nursery. G.A.’s were organized.
Rev. Corley served as pastor in 1943 and 1944.
Gas was installed in the church for heating.
Rev. T. J. Floyd was pastor in 1947 and membership increased to 178. On April 27, 1947, Mrs. Catherine Ridley, Tommy Pugh, and Gene Oswalt were the first to be baptized in a new baptistry in the church.
Modern plumbing facilities were added in the pastorium.
Rev. Weyman White became Pastor in 1948 and served through 1949. Church membership increased to 197.
Rev. E. P. Robbins became Pastor and he served through 1954. Membership increased to 263 in the first year and was 348 when he left. During this period, there were 87 baptisms reported. The church had its first bulletin, adopted a unified budget, and added two new Sunday School rooms.
The Sunday School rooms were separated from the auditorium with hinged plywood petitions which would be folded to the walls to open up for a side addition to the auditorium during worship service.
New plans were approved for a new church and Sunday School rooms.
The new building was dedicated. The old building was used for Sunday School rooms.
Chester Free was licensed to the ministry, entered the New Orleans Baptist Seminary, and was ordained on October 31, 1954.
Rev. J. Eldon Jones became Pastor in December.
The church had a deep-well bored and began a bus ministry. The church membership was 391 when Rev. Jones resigned in 1956. 37 baptisms were reported during his ministry at Ladonia.
Rev. Jack Clark was pastor from 1957 to 1959. The church membership grew to 455 with 58 baptisms.
The old church building was sold for $350.00 and used to pay off the mortgage on the newer building.
The church borrowed $17,500.00 to build a new education building. The auditorium was remodeled and new heating systems were installed in both buildings.
James L. Armour was ordained as a minister on October 11.
Rev. Richard Hayes began a ministry that lasted for a decade. The church bought a house to serve as a pastorium.
The auditorium was redecorated at a cost of $1776.00.
Art Williams was ordained on March 8.
On July 4, a mission was begun and it was constituted in Shady Woods Baptist Church on September 17, 1967.
The church purchased an organ, remodeled, and added a new room to the pastorium.
During this period the church office was remodeled into a pastor’s study, secretary’s office, and library.
The church building debt was paid off on September 7.
Daniel Deliz was licensed to preach in 1968 and ordained in 1972.
Brother Hayes resigned on August 23. Under his ministry, 76 were added by baptism and 262 others joined the church.
Rev. B. S. Warr became interim pastor in August 1970 and served until April 1971.
The church bought a bus and began a bus ministry in June. Rev. Lucas began a radio broadcast of morning worship on November 1.
On November 10, the Planning Committee recommended that the church proceed with plans for construction of a two-story education building, remodeling the front of the auditorium basement, fellowship hall, and front entrance. Bonds were sold in six hours. Low bid on the building was $119,840.00.
Rev. Lucas resigned in 1975. The church had a membership of 577. During his ministry, 196 were added by baptism and 153 others joined the church.
Rev. B. S. Warr was interim pastor.
Rev. Howard Golden became pastor in January.
J. T. Paul became Minister of Music and Youth. He was ordained to the gospel ministry on November 6, 1977.
Rob Payne came as Minister of Music and Youth.
David Mills became pastor in June. During his tenure, the second-floor education classrooms were finished. Gary Mitchell became Minister of Music.
Rev. William Greg Hyche was called to serve as pastor and preached his first sermon at Ladonia on May 3.
The Lord continues to bless His work at Ladonia. All that has been accomplished is through Him and for His Glory. He has given our church a great challenge to reach our ever-expanding community.